gin soaked girl

This blog is about me and my adventures in the land of gin. Yes, gin is a country and I've visited it often. In fact I've conducted a passionate love affair with the place. Bought the t-shirt and definitely been to the duty-free. Along the way, I've been to a few gigs and undergone a bit of a personal renaissance. This blog celebrates the art of growing old disgracefully. Roll up. Roll up. Come join the fayre!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Second-hand rose

The Rakes, supported by The On/Offs/Duels/White Rose Movement at the Astoria, 2nd February 2006

I’m not very good at saying bad things about bands and I don’t really want to say anything bad about this evening, but to be honest, it just wasn’t my sort of thing. I’ve thought about it and thought about it and it’s the only conclusion I can reach. I just couldn’t whip up fervour or swim contentedly in the ebb and flow of the crowd for love or money. The Rakes were great, it’s true, they’re a fab band with genuine, albeit minimalistic, charisma (Alan Donohoe must surely be Jarvis Cocker’s slightly less socially-awkward bastard brother?), but they’ll never be one of my faves for all the arm waving and rabble rousing in existence (although I do think the vid for ‘All too human' is very heart-warming).

The other bands on the bill were equally not my scene I’m afraid- especially the slightly politically dodgy armband-wearing Nordic blondes which are the WRM. I just can’t cope with that kinda imagery no matter what the context- I just automatically think of really bad things.

From the well meaning blokiness of the Rakes to the pink-shirted Liam Gallagher podman who fronts first support The On/Offs, it just wasn’t the night for me. Which was a shame because I really wanted to enjoy myself.

Or maybe I was just pissed because after my friend vodkaslut drew me forward so that I could see the stage when the Rakes came on, I was immediately thrown back again and rammed up against a parka wearing blokey type who was jumping up and down manically. Eventually me and my gin just has to withdraw back behind the giant grill that the proprietors of the Astoria have installed behind the sound desk (why oh why?)

Oh well, you can’t win them all.


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