gin soaked girl

This blog is about me and my adventures in the land of gin. Yes, gin is a country and I've visited it often. In fact I've conducted a passionate love affair with the place. Bought the t-shirt and definitely been to the duty-free. Along the way, I've been to a few gigs and undergone a bit of a personal renaissance. This blog celebrates the art of growing old disgracefully. Roll up. Roll up. Come join the fayre!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Alice in Wonderland goes all rock chick again...Lewis Carroll turns in grave

Tapes n Tapes at Dingwalls, Camden, 30th August 2006

I guess it's the last tryst of summer, the final attempt to spread merriment in the home camp; make hay whilst the British summer wanes and dies its sordid little death (the death of the invalid long out of sorts). Anyways, Tapes n Tapes, the Minnesota boys, will help us out.

French horns, cowbells, an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, drummer, tons of ear-thumping school of rock guitar action (apologies for the amateurishness of my description, I wish I could be more technical but I can't). Great music, great band, great venue ('the steps, the steps, all I see are steps, I think I've been transported to Russia in the twenties'). The band are a bit more grungy- less flamboyently mannered than other favourites, but the honesty of the music shines through, and at points, shreds your worldly exterior to the point of solitary madness (in a good way).

I've been going for novelty turns like Gogal Bodello recently (although obviously authentic in his own way), together with a dose of eighties-tinged ska revivalists like Larrikin Love (love the boy). So this is entirely different. I saw The Walkman back in May, and didn't like them at all, thinking them far too muscular and aggressive (I was actually cowering in a corner of the Barfly at one point), but the Tapes seem a bit more complex- less frightening to the unitiated. With the Tapes you get something more approachable- a little bit country, a little bit Spitalfields/a little bit all their own.

Get tough, play rough (but don't hit the fat kid), get Tapes n Tapes. GSG.


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